Bail or No? The Impossible Tricks Show is an exhibition on restraint. It is also an exhibition about skateboarding, DIY culture, the arts, and the metaphor of micro-rebellion - in spite of the forces that expect & want such things – that envelope all three. It’s an exhibition about, of all things to frame an art show around, spirit, and the notion that to bail is okay, but to move without risk or chance, safety be damned, is to bail anyway.
What it is:
Several makers and artists are tasked with making physical skateboards that are, by their design, nearly impossible to skate on.
Several skateboarders attempt to skate on them anyway.
The results are documented/filmed and shown in a one night screening
Further contributions to the film look at the state of the skate video today (dissemination, youtube, amateurism, etc. etc).
A catalogue/book of essay with contributions from Maria Seda-Reeder, Curt Miller, and Chris Reeves is available right HERE
Artists include:
Able Projects, John Auer, Liz Cambron, Joe Castrucci, Chris Collins, Abby Cornelius, Zach Kincaid Chris Little, Daniel P. Lopez, Tim McMillan, Curt Miller, Rick Silva, Marc Slobada, Lauren C. Sudbrink Jordan Tate, Aaron Walker, Loraine Wible, Erica Wine
with generous assistance and contributions from: Alex Jameson, Grace Cross, Lizzy Duquette, and Phil Spangler.

exhibited 8/15/15 at Lohioh in Cincinnati, OH with Near*By. Documentation by Lauren C. Sudbrink

Joe Castrucci, plant board (3).jpg

Erica Wine, lead cast board

Tim McMillan, Houdini Swagger,
nail board

John Auer, reverse trucks and wheel bearing board

Lauren C. Sudbrink, Nothing Flat, liquid adhesive, plexiglass, latex, artist's breath, skin residue

Able Projects, ski board