ESP USA, is an online show (via Flatland: Chris Reeves & Curtis Miller) for the stay-at-home-or-who-knows-what times. From April – June of 2020, I put out an open call for anyone to join us for ESP (extrasensory perception) tests via the COVID-19 networking staple, Zoom. In each session I attempted to send an artwork via telepathy to each participant. The ESP tests, transcriptions, and commentaries were placed online (built by Curtis) with the artists response to their experience ( art show, social and scientific report, practical joke, and mini-treatise on our contemporary modes of communication, the purpose was to challenge the increasing feeling of normalcy via Zoom communication, by using it for something it is not designed to do (i.e. surrogate real connections with people). Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_25_15 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_26_46 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_27_42 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_28_23 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_28_53 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_39_29 PM.jpg Shot 2021-02-07 at 5_30_50 PM.jpg